On Some Days

By V1k1

Across The Universe . . . The Beatles

Mono Monday . . . Communication

This is the Long-Life Stupa at the Chandrakirti Tibetan Buddist Meditation Centre at Sunrise Valley.  Each level has symbols that hold meaning.  There seems to be a need for cultures, people to communicate better.
I have my sister's daughter, my niece staying with me and she has come up to Nelson to have a break and buy supplies for her pottery.  We drove out to see Katie Gold's studio but it's a Monday and was closed.  Anyway we came bak through Brightwater and Royce McGlashen"s studio was open.  I said I thought he had retired and his wife said he has.  He retired in April and has been at work everyday since.  There is a younger couple interested in taking over the site and continuing to pot.  I bought a mug and a salt glazed bowl which I don't need but I loved them.   

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