
By tridral

Mae'r ffôn wedi marw

Mae'r ffôn wedi marw ~ The phone is dead

“Nobody gazes long into the abyss any more. They take a photo of the abyss on their phone, intending to gaze into it later, but they never do. Nietzsche would be so disappointed.”
― Paul Bassett Davies

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Mae'r ffôn wedi marw. Hir fyw... un rhywbeth arall sy'n gallu tynnu ffotograffau.

Bu farw fy ffôn yn sydyn y bore yma - wedi mynd heb rybudd! Gwnes i drio edrych i mewn ac mae'n edrych fel llanast gludiog. Mae rhywbeth wedi toddi.

Yn ffodus mae copïau gyda fi o fwyaf o'r pethau ar y ffôn. Dim problem.

Gyda chyngor o Nor'dzin a Daniel ddw i wedi archebu ffôn newydd a bydd e'n cyrraedd mewn dau ddiwrnod.

Yn y cyfamser, tynnais i'r llun hwn gyda fy Galaxy Pad.

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The phone is dead. Long live... anything that can take photographs.

My phone died suddenly this morning - gone without warning! I tried looking inside and it looks like a sticky mess. Something has melted.

Fortunately I have copies of most of the things on the phone. No problem.

With advice from Nor'dzin and Daniel I have ordered a new phone and it will arrive in two days.

Meanwhile, I took this photo with my Galaxy Pad.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Anemonïau Tsieineaidd a montbretia (llun wedi'i dynnu gyda Galaxy Pad)
Description (English): Chinese anemones and montbretia (photo taken with a Galaxy Pad)

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