Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

MonoMonday 550

And the theme is communication so those who know me might have guessed that I’d blip our iconic phone boxes. The slight problem is that what makes them unique is that they are yellow. Not ideal for MonoMonday! So I’ve put a colour version in extras.
And just to show that we’ve become a bit more up to date with phone boxes there is a pic of modern ones as another extra. Three apparently still offering phone calls (though I didn’t go to check whether the necessary equipment is still there and in working order). The fourth is for a defibrillator which is really great.

And I even had a second choice of subject to use today because I bought myself a little iPad 10th generation. I justified the expense partly on the basis that my old small iPad is rapidly forgetting how to hold its charge and secondly that while my RA is so dramatically active my iPad Pro is simply too heavy to keep picking up and leaves me in agony! (I may be exaggerating somewhat!). So this new one should allow me to communicate painlessly.

Thank you 60+ for hosting!

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