
By maureen6002

Marine Lake Walk

There’s a Camera Club activity today, and as it’s at West Kirby, we can combine this with a trip to see Lili. 

The weather’s so disappointing after the sunshine of last week, and en route it’s actually raining. We’re meeting Lili and her parents for brunch at Leaf - G enjoys his Full English, while I have halloumi, tomatoes and avocado. 

The weather now dry but dull, I’m dropped off at Marine Lake where I meet up with the few intrepid club members who join up with local photographer Roger Ellison. Both the weather and the apparent limited mobility of those attending (I’m not the only one walking with a pole) impact on Roger’s plans, so we end up simply walking around the lake. But there’s plenty to see - surreal scenes of people walking along the sands towards Hillbre Island, boating and board activities, cormorants and turnstones. It’s more challenging to find good shots in this flat light, but sometimes the challenge makes things more interesting. 

G picks me up after two hours; I’ve had enough and my catheter is playing up. It’s back to Meols and lovely Lili and our first time watching her have her bath which she loves - though for some season she doesn’t seem to like having her hair washed today which results in some very amusing expressions! 

It’s a set today - so much variety of photographic opportunities. And I’ve not even included any of Lili! 

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