Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Self Heal

Prunella vulgaris

A quick trot round the reserve this morning as Jim Roofer was turning up at 10am to look at where the conservatory let in water during the recent terrific rainstorm.  Sadly there is no obvious answer so we've agreed to leave it until early winter and see if anything else happens.  My feeling is it may never leak again.  I've not ever seen a deluge like the one that caused the problems - half the streets in Winchester were flooded - so the whole structure may have bent under the unexpected weight of water and just turn out to be a one-off ?!!**

Anyway, here's some self heal to decorate the day.  Once again I've been taking it easy, which makes a nice change.  Tomorrow perhaps I'll crank up the pace ;))

Have a good evening, all  xx

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