
By Stella2

A relaxing chat

It’s been a dreary grey day with a few light showers. I headed off to the gym in anticipation of the usual sprint cycle class but had forgotten to book on it and so wasn’t notified that it had been cancelled. Nevertheless I had intended to spend sometime in the main gym so did that and then managed almost half an hour on the bike. I then returned home for a late breakfast.

At lunchtime we met up with some old friends one of whom l had known from A level time. They were staying with their old neighbours who had recently moved close to us and we all met up for lunch in a pub. We had a good time catching up and getting to meet their friends. When we left it was starting to rain again but hopefully didn’t last too long for their walk.

I should have taken a photo of us all chatting at the table for today’s Mono Monday with its theme of communication but instead we have a quick shot of my husband chatting to his brother.

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