The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

All things are connected

I returned from the Green Gathering last night. Three days/nights at Womad Festival, four nights camping in / on the Gower, two days and nights at the Green Gathering in Chepstow, Wales, with plenty of travel in between, and setting up/breaking camp three times. 
Back home, my bed feels too large, too high, too 'ploffy'. though t's good to have some comforts close at hand, I must admit. 

My sister K is still here. She had some van trouble last night. She and Steve spent the morning popping in and out to see garages and have the car towed to Steve's favourite. Repairs are under way. Now that she knows it's being fixed, she doesn't seem bothered about still being here. 

I started laundering all my clothes and trying to sort out all the camping gear, but it was exhausting. By the end of the day, it was mostly all done, but we'd also managed to have a couple of meals (Steve did lunch and I cooked supper), to go for a walk in the Heavens valley (we saw a fox) and to watch an episode of McDonald and Dodds. 

Roll on the next holiday! Meanwhile, in the spirit of the Green Gathering, I offer the poem above, and am going to think about how to make some small changes to my life in an attempt to be greener. 

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