Living my dream

By Mima


Willow whips in a bucket of water until I have time and inclination to plant them as a hedge to screen the bins which compost the contents of the loos. 

It's a far corner of the property I've been vaguely thinking about screening for a while. And then when I Blipped about pollarding the weeping willow tree a couple of days ago all the ideas came together. Thank you everybody!

The pollarding continues to be a work in progress. See the extra. I have several more limbs to remove and might tackle one or two tomorrow. 

Today I have been carefully shovelling chook poo out of the shed beneath their night roost: it's a goldmine of fantastic compost for the veg beds. 

The soon-to-be brassica bed is now fully composted, thanks to the chooks. The next shovellings will go into shallow trenches in the soon-to-be beans bed.

It has been yet another glorious sunny day. And no frost. Woop woop!

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