For the family

By RonaMac

All change

A phone call at 8.15am to say that B’s appointment for a MRI scan in Stafford this morning has been cancelled due to staff sickness. It has been rescheduled for late next week.

We went down to the Town Meadows way area to visit a small cluster of shops, as we needed one or two items from several of them. Whilst we were there I had a phone call from S to say that he has an investigation at Burton Hospital on Wednesday. He has just discovered that it may be under sedation so needs someone with him to drive home. That will be a lot of hanging about so, I will go with him. 

U3A craft this afternoon. Lots of things going on. I took some scraps of fabric to share with a friend who is learning to do a Dresden Plate design of patchwork,  and a bag of dried lavender from our garden, to share out with anyone wanting to make lavender bags. I found it in the garage yesterday, it was cut last year and forgotten about. My blip is a cross stitch embroidery which one lady donated to the ‘swaps’ table, no one else wanted it and I’m happy to give it a home. The design date on the pack is 1994, so it’s been around for a long time.

The strenuous activity of the day was initiated by an email from the the lady who visited last Friday. She sent us a copy of our house boundary plan, so we can safely work on the small garden area at the front. 

There is a small strip of brown stuff that pretends to be grass next to the pavement. We started to remove it as the bin men are due in the morning. Garden refuse is collected fortnightly and they are choosy about how much they will take away at a time. We were fortunate to receive help from two neighbours, one helped B to remove some of the ‘brown / green stuff’ and the other allowed us to take a load of foliage from his bin, to top up our bin to hide the dead grass.

Dinner was late and we were only fit to sit on the settee to watch the Olympics on TV for the rest of the evening.

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