
By windychickens

Sunshine and peaks

We got up way before dawn and set off in the 2 cars to catch the sunrise from a viewing point about the clouds.

To say that the drive there was harrowing, frightening, adrenalin saturated, exhausting and tricky (and I wasn’t even driving) is an understatement. I was in SkyeMans car and we aborted one route up and headed for another. Heart in mouth, hearts racing and prayers constant, we headed slowly up hill. Elbows’ chosen route was so difficult, they all had to get out of the car whilst a local taxi driver drove up a section.

The sky was getting lighter by the time we parked up at a carpark below the viewing point - we were already way above the clouds. We stumbled up a steep hill in the semi dark and got there and sat to wait.

It was glorious. Magical. Stunning. As breath taking as the dolphins 2 days ago.

After photos and a toilet stop, we then broke into 2 groups with different peak plans.

4 of us headed back down to the cars, drove down and down and down and then up and up and up. Hairpin corners were constant. Road challenges constant, but eventually we were in a car park 3-4k from another peak, that the other group were heading towards.

So we then headed up on foot - quite gruelling leg work on steps in intense heat. But we were treated to awesome views all the way. I had a bit of a panic about water but at one stage, there was a rest house that sold water.

We met up with the others, conquered a peak and then, as it still wasn’t lunchtime, headed down a bit to find shade to eat under.

Headed further down to the cars, still way above clouds and into the cafe for refreshments.

Then on home, still only mid afternoon, and swam in the pool to cool down and chill down and then went out for supper in the old town.

Daylight views to add as extras …

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