When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

I'll take New York

There was heavy derby business to be done that day, so I left them to it and bashed into Manhattan on the Subway to tick off a few personal targets of interest.

First of which, was finding a White Castle and ordering one of their slider meals. There was a comic called Dork that had a strip called fun stuff or something to that effect that simply pictured things the cartoonist considered pleasures in life. This ranged from a 3 litre bottle of coke, to the drinking bird desk toy. It also included the square white castle burger. Which had stuck in my imagination ever since.

In reality, once achieved, this mission was clearly a pop cultural victory and not a gastronomic one. The burgers are greasy little splats. You get six of them in the meal cause they're only about two bites each. Still. I relished my little moment.

I burst back onto the streets, reinvigorated with greasy trans fats. Without exactly planning to I found myself in Times Square. Upon where I was press ganged into making a world record attempt for the most people swishing mouth wash at one time. Bit surreal I have to say. Becoming a world record holder, just like that.

After being caged in the record attempt pen for aaages. I staggered out and moved on towards central park. Once again, the heat was getting the better of me. Soaking with sweat I pushed on, trying to enjoy the walk as best I could. I called it quits at the reservoir half way up the park and returned back down the way to get a photo off the 53rd and 3rd sign. Happily it was in the same area as the Chrysler so I got to take a look at that too.

In the evening I headed to Flatbush in Brooklyn to watch ARRG in a closed bout against Gotham Roller Girls' B squad. First I hit a nice little cafe for more cat-fish tacos. Then stopped in a bar for a quick elysian superfuzz blood orange pale ale. What a name. The match was pretty close, ARRG just losing out. Not bad at all.

After the bout the team were allowed a beer. I had two or three.

[Pic: Hotdog stand, Manhattan]
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