Lochan Chuilceachan, Clachan of Glendaruel.

This, the final shot from my week in Argyllshire, was taken early this morning at the farthest point of a quick 5-mile walk up to the top of the hills overlooking where we have stayed.

Despite the wonderful weather, it was still rather boggy on top and I was glad that I'd worn decent footwear. Despite this, I managed to pick up a couple of ticks which I then neglected to remove correctly. They're not quite the souvenir I had in mind to take back with me, but hey ho.

This has been a stunning week amid the most beautiful of landscapes. O has loved the freedom that has allowed him to run wild and have 'adventures', while I have been blown away by the scenery not to mention the opportunity to fish an idyllic trout stream. I think it safe to say that we will be back before too long.

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