
By RadioGirl

Great Masterwort

I’m still waking up feeling rather “bleargh”, with an oppressive headache, mouth like the bottom of a birdcage and screaming upper and lower back pain. I did a Covid test this morning, but thankfully it was negative. I suppose at nearly 65 years old, it’s just taking longer to recover from overdoing it in humid weather conditions than it used to do.

I went to Rev Christine’s for our house group, and was greeted with cries of “you don’t look very well” - I was a bit pale and sweaty from the walk, which was uphill and tired me out temporarily. However, with the help of tea, orange squash and a doughnut I recovered somewhat and had an enjoyable morning in good company. The Great Masterwort (Astrantia major) in my blip is growing by the patio in Christine’s garden, where we were sitting in the shade. It is on the RHS list of Plants for Pollinators, and you can see a beautiful Marmalade Hoverfly busying itself on this one.

I’ve just been resting and dozing this afternoon.

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