Cricket On The Green, Bearsted

Now that I'm a man of leisure or, more accurately, someone without a job who's not actively looking for another one (after thirty-three years of London working and commuting I feel I deserve a rest for a while) I've got time to catch up properly with things like paperwork and filing but also more pleasurable stuff like taking more photographs and brushing up on my technical skills. Speaking of them I've decided to go through some of my old  N Photo magazines (they're for Nikon users, hence the title) and teach myself some new tricks. Tomorrow's is going to be back button focusing - it seems relatively easy to customise my camera settings to achieve it so I'll give it a go!
Today we popped out for lunch at the Oak On The Green in Bearsted. The food, as always, was really good and, of course, we washed it down with a nice cold pint each. When we got there we saw there was a cricket match in progress and so I knew it just had to feature in today's image. This couple looked set for the duration and their dog looked set for a nice long snooze in the shade. A perfect summer's day apart from a lack of sunshine. Now that we're back home it's of course all sun and blue skies!

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