
By HeidiHH


at work. My co-worker got a new dog from another co-worker. She took this 8 week old baby boy to his new home today. He is a miniature poodle. So adorable. OMG. The whole staff fell in love. One even started to cry when she saw him.

One of our residents died yesterday. She wasn't from our ward and I didn't know her. She was 34 and had no relatives. No one. She was taken to hospital on Friday morning as she was unresponsive and having an epileptic seizure. It seemed that she would come back after few hours as they managed to stop the seizure, but then it started again. And it lasted over 3 days until she died. At least she had good pain management and is believed that she was not in pain. It's very sad. Especially those who took care of her are very upset. 2 from our staff were supposed to visit her after 2 pm on Monday, but she passed few hours before that.

So that little dog brought much needed joy to us today. He has no name yet.

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