
By ArcLight

After breakfast

It seems that both of us are majoring on taking photographs of the garden at present. I popped out straight after breakfast when the sunlight was coming at a low angle and the effects of yesterday's heavy rain on the garden were still apparent. I guess the weeds are going potty now. I'll need to get out there soon!

I spent the day working on another short essay for the same online outlet that I was writing for last week, reading some interesting stuff and making plenty of notes. I just need to thread those together into a coherent 3-4k words tomorrow and Thursday.

At teatime, L picked me up and we went for a Shandwick swim. She did more distance than I did, but we were both in the water for about 25 minutes. It was low tide and the stones in the shallow water getting in and out were horrible. The water was quite bouncy and it was windy and I was concentrating (more or less successfully) on not getting too much water in my ears after suffering a bit with them on Sunday and Monday. I have bought some swimming earplugs, but they didn't arrive in time for today's swim (they arrived whilst I was out). I was also wearing a swim hat for the same reason.

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