
By HareBrain

Pretty in Pink

Love this Echinacea. I bought it from a lovely little plant centre last year in Worcestershire, it lived happily in its pot and overwintered well. In the spring I planted it out in the blue box and when the new flower stems came up they were all bent and wobbly. I sought advice from the plant centre and they said that either I hadn't been watering it enough or the box was too full and it was fighting for room however after taking their advice, giving it plenty of water and TLC it is now looking stunning and very healthy.

I've had a very busy day. Visited lovely friend L this morning and helped her in a beautiful garden deadheading weeding etc, etc. We drank coffee and had a good old moan about lots of things, well you can imagine?! Packed up 5 parcels for Vinted and sent them off via 3 different carriers. #1 daughter came round for a cuppa later and I've just administered first aid to Mr HB. He walked next door neighbour's dogs this morning and once back in the house he always gives them treats. Luna knows what's coming, is a bit enthusiastic and by mistake caught Mr HB's arm with her dew claw, taking a slice of skin with it. It was quite a nasty cut so I've cleaned it twice today and redressed it. Trouble with old skin, it's very thin and fragile.

I had a rotten night's sleep last night and at only 9pm I'm heading for bed and a good read.

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