
By davidc

Tiny Tuesday - "Leaf or Leaves"

It's been a busy day - my Editor is working on painting of the fence so that kept her busy - she's almost half way through that now.

And as it was another nice dry day, and our neighbours on both sides are away (and therefore there's no washing etc hanging on their lines), she suggested that I should have a bonfire today to get rid of lots of garden rubbish, prunings etc. Well of course I always do what I'm told thought it was an excellent idea so I got out the incinerator and had a busy day too.

When I told my Editor what today's TT theme is (thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting) she kindly found me these tiny leaves as my subject. Even the largest is only about 4mm across. It's a weed but we're not sure what it is although it does have some tiny pretty flowers as well as nice leaves.

Our camera club is in recess until the first Tuesday in September, but we've now got our annual on-line exhibition ready on Youtube. One of my colleagues does the main donkey work, collating and setting up each slide: I have the easy job of putting them together into a video. If you've time and would like to take a look, the link is here.

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