Early morning visitor

What a great birthday eve and birthday proper. The campsite was lovely and Silver lake, while a bit of a hike down to it, was a perfect mountain lake. We had a fun dinner and had a fire where we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. My extra photo. We sat out with the fire at our backs and watched the Milkyway come to life along with a few shooting stars. There is nothing like being at 10,000 feet and no lights to see an amazing night sky. 
We had seen this same buck down by the lake yesterday. This morning when I sat up in the tent I saw him come into the meadow by the tent. I was able to get out and go to the car to get my camera and take his photo. He slowly strolled along. Clearly, he has been around people as he wasn't very spooked by me.
I did get my kayak out in the lake this morning too!
This evening I had a potluck at a park and a lot of my friends came. My Irish session folks came and brought their instruments so we finished the evening with about an hour of tunes. It was a great way to turn 60.
I am super behind looking at journals. Tomorrow should be a more relaxing day and I will see what you all are up to. :-)

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