
By Rosemarie55

Mum and Girls!

17°C  -  15 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  37 mph Gusts  -  Heavy Clouds  -  Sunny Spells.  Weird weather  -  overcast and dull out the front and light clouds and sun out the back!  I sat out for half-an-hour and then got fed up with the sun coming in and out, so came in to do my blip.  This is me and my sister with Mum some time in the early 1940s  -  it was taken to send to my father who was serving in the Royal Artillery during WW2.  Not in very good condition now but I’m sure it was pristine when sent to him  -  I was wearing a black velvet dress and my sister a maroon velvet dress. Going to rest my back now and watch Tipping Point:-)

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