The bubble

By Phini

Glastonbury first morning

No bands on today but we go and investigate the festival site anyway to get our bearings.

This mainly consisted of going to the village inn and consuming appropriate amount of pints you would expect from frequenting a pub for five hours.

Amazing weather. Positively tropical.

The festival site appears to be full of many chain food stalls, burgers, hog roast, pizza, noodles, jerk chicken, coffee bars and many many middle class
Middle age pretend cool hippies. Of which I am proudly one

I feel quite safe and happy (I don't know why I thought differently).

Torrential rain set in at 2pm. We trudged back to our van. The fields had quickly turned to a clay mud, rain already pouring into tents. It gave us a glimpse into how horrendous this place is if you don't have the weather.

I cannot comprehend the size of this venue and site.

More drinking occurs back at the van.

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