Foxy's Folio


Harnessing The Natural World

We drove down to Ham Hill near my old school at Stoke sub Hamden this morning and walked along the lower path through the woods then back across the fields at the top of the hill.

We reached a gate at the same time as this woman and her pony, harnessed to a contraption the like of which I’ve not seen before.

We got chatting and she told us she called it her horse-powered zimmer frame. As you can see, she jogs along behind the pony and, when she needs a rest, just hops up on the foot plates for a while. Tess and I wondered if we could borrow it to get us round Park Run!

After lunch at The Prince Of Wales, we stopped off on the way back to buy a couple of plants to replace two that have died off. As it happens, they were selling their plants off to make way for winter stock. The price? £3 each or 8 for £3! You know it makes sense!

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