
By NotCuthbert

Iceland Car Park Bonus

I popped in for some crumpets as they are consistently the cheapest I have found. But when I returned to the car I spotted these beautiful red berries, growing wild, not frozen in a bag.  I believe they are Loganberries, and I have never seen them in the flesh before.  I will go back when we return from our latest trip, and if there are some still there then I will forage.

We set off today to meet up with our Chesterfield family tomorrow, before heading up to Scotland to meet our Darwen family. But before we did that we had to take our car to a dealership 10 miles away as it isn't running well. We also took Ruby the motorhome, and then headed to Royal Blackburn Hospital as I had a 'procedure'. 

A camera in the bladder is not a comfortable experience, so if I wasn't well then we were going home and would set off tomorrow. I'm okay and we are now parked up at the cattle market in Thirsk. Tomorrow the east coast!

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