
By LesTension


New Industrial Strength size Nikon DSLR.........not for the weak.   LOL
As usual, for the last week anyway, I have made no photos today but had this image sent to me a while back and thought it might come in handy some day.  Today is that day.
Dear Blippers,

     Herself left the OR a bit after 3pm today after donating her gall bladder.  As usual, she was an unusual case...the surgeon indicated that there was a torsion on the gb that made it twist. A one-in-a-million shot....very rare circumstance.  He'd read about it in medical school but this was the first he'd ever seen in 20 some years of yanking gbs and that pretty much explains why nothing showed up on the Cat scans.  He even had to call a couple of colleagues into the OR so they could see it too......and remember how to deal with it.  I always knew she was one-in-a-million and now I have proof.  He did a great job and she went to recovery for an hour or so.  She's still pretty groggy but if all goes well tonight she can come home tomorrow (Thursday).
     All she wanted was peace and quiet so I left for home and will return tomorrow morning.  I fully expect her to be sore even though I wasn't at all after my cholecystectomy....all I remember was instant relief from the gnawing pain I had to endure for 48 hours waiting for my blood thinners to wear off so they could do the surgery.  But she will milk it for all she can get......and after a week of pain she's earned that much.
     I look forward to getting in a bicycle ride.  I haven't been able to ride for a whole week....pretty unusual for me.  And I have to get ready for the next race at Road America next weekend. Hopefully she will be able to function without my help by then.
 Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers.


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