
By simonslife

“It’s that Dippy dog again run for it”.

The natural fascination for herding sheep is remarkable, each morning my little four legged friend makes a bee line for this gate to make sure that his flock are behaving.
We have a small meadow which generally draws a dozen or so sheep from the main flock, Dippy makes light work of herding them back through the far gate.
A day or laundry, fixing the breakthrough/escape gaps in the pig patch, unblocking the soak away feed pipe from the washing machine (frustratingly situated in the pigs swamp), trimming the triffid like brambles, greeting four new arrivals, arranging fresh flowers for the tents and other accommodations, feeding chickens ) 10 eggs from 5 hens today) and pigs, sorting out the recycling and bringing the emptied bins back into the yard, giving Dippy lots of love and attention when he wasn’t charging around the campsite like an Olympic athlete, taking several showers to remove mud etc from the blockage in the pig enclosure.
Loving life here in this wonderful part of North Devon.

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