Rock Of Ages
Still such a bone of contention between the Gibraltarians and the Spanish.
Unless you have a full Gib ID card, or Spanish residency like me, crossing the border between Gibraltar and Spain can be fraught to say the least.
Thanks to Brexit, anyone without an EU passport is subject to very strict controls for entry to Spain.
A return air ticket is not enough. Nor is proof that one can afford one's stay in Spain. Some evidence that accommodation is waiting for you in Spain, such as an hotel or Airbnb must be produced at the border control. If your holiday home is in Spain, bring the deeds of the property to prove it.
So what about Jacqui's brother and sister-in-law, who are due to arrive at Gibraltar airport tomorrow for a week's stay at Playa Paraíso?
Well, EU law says that they need a document confirming the invitation to stay in private accomodation, signed and stamped by the Guardia Civil at a cost of some 75 euros and which can take several months to procure.
This was a last-minute trip. We shall see what happens.
So, to any of you Brexiteers out there, if you fancy a quick trip to Spain (or any other EU country for that matter), good luck. Don't fly into Gib as you will find yourselves hoist by your own petard!
(And coming soon, even more grief at the border when the new biometric visa system is introduced in the coming months.)
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