A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Blantyre’s view

An unexpectedly lovely morning for the early(ish) walk with the ladies. A bit thin on the ground today with two of our usual  crew unwell.

Walking up past Lady Blantyre’s Rock and the gap created by last year’s tree felling there was a great view up the valley.
On the left beyond the trees is the village of Wilsden, obviously where Wilsden Walker comes from who joined us as usual this morning and to the right the light was just picking out Hewenden Viaduct, now a walking route on the Great Northern Railway Trail. ( You might need to go large where it dies look better)
It remained a lovely morning despite the forecast but it has just started drizzling.

Grace and John are heading to Scotland this afternoon, first to stay with John’s dad near Perth and then on to the Highlands at the weekend.

They’ve had notice that the builders are arriving on Monday for phase 2 of their building work which involves the second floor rooms and their bedroom. So there has been frantic removal of everything from these rooms before they set off.
We usually occupy one of these upper floor rooms when we stay and I had a feeling that it might be the last time we would see it as it is when we left last month. Both rooms will be accessed from the same staircase and the separate stairs from the main bedroom will be removed. (That room was used as an art studio by the previous occupier.)   It will eventually give the girls a bigger top floor room each as they grow. 
It will be interesting to see where I will be when I visit in September!

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