Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I found a sleeping bumble bee this morning, when I went out to harvest flowers. Everybody else were in full eating mood, but this sleepy one. I even had hungry bees and bumble bees on the Dahlias I cut and held in my hand. :) I didn't disturb this little one, though, but left it sleeping.
After arranging flowers and tending to customers, some more impatient than others...ringing the bell twice with a second in-between rings... I bound some bouquets with yesterdays flowers. Those cost less than they should, just because of it. 
Then I tended to the raggedy plants and gave all of them new 'hair cuts', hoping they will thrive after getting rid of old stuff.
I was happy to feel, when I got out from work, that the temperature had dropped some, and it wasn't as warm as before.

Yesterday we had some drama at work, that I missed... Today I was brought up to speed when one of the bosses from another group, updated us on the events that occurred yesterday. We have younglings working for about 4 weeks at the time, during the summer, and food had been stolen from the personnel fridge. The lunch belonged to one of my coworkers and another of my coworkers had come upon the younglings eating, feet on the table and faces in their phones. So, the younglings had been told off and gotten a warning. One more thing and they're out. Apparently the younglings in question are a bit of a handful... 
When the younglings start their 4 weeks, they're given a tour of our place to know what's what... So, I have no idea what made them think that the food in the fridge was free for all. Hopefully they will be on their best behaviour from now on (although I doubt it...). 

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