
By HareBrain


For Vinted with a little added ICM for AT, not clever enough for multi exposure.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting. A resting model in extra!

I’ve had one of those super-productive, but not that interesting, of days.  I’ve already culled my wardrobe and actually got Mr HB to sort his ageing wardrobe out too, trying on trousers, jackets , shoes and other items which have been in his wardrobe for as long as I’ve known him (over 24 years), after which there has been a very satisfactory cull – which will be followed by a visit to a large Charity hub tomorrow.  

As the weather has turned damp and nippy I’ve also sprayed the polish, wielded the duster, thrown the vacuum around and done some washing.

Update on Mr HB's arm after Luna (dog) accidentally cut his arm: I took him down to the Doctor's surgery for the Nurse to look at his arm as the top bit of the cut didn't look too good. She cleaned it up nicely and anointed it with iodine and put a dressing on which he has to keep on for four days. She recommended bed baths as he is not to get the dressing wet??!!
Thanks so much for all your kind comments on my ‘blue nails’ yesterday, glad you approved of the colour!

Extra: The coat (can’t make up my mind whether to keep it, or let it go?)  What do you think?

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