Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I spent nearly all day out in the garden, mostly photographing the many hummingbirds.  It felt good to just let everything go and enjoy being in the moment, surrounded by the angry chatter of tiny birds.  While I was enjoying the show, I caught a flash of yellow in the trees.  And then I noticed several other flashes of yellow - three gorgeous Yellow Warblers!  If there was ever a well-named bird, this is it.  This is our only solid yellow warbler species in the eastern US.  And they are widespread during breeding season throughout the US and Canada and up into Alaska.  When they arrive in the spring, they are full of song but at this time of year, they are mostly silent.  The breeding season is over and they've already started migrating to their wintering grounds in Central and South America.  Happy to see that they seemed to be finding lots of tasty insects in our trees.

This will add to my yardbirds list for the year. 

I lost track of how many photos I took today - but probably over 500.  Honestly, I just needed to let go of all the things that are worrying me for the day.  And no better way to do that than with camera in hand and lots of birds and creatures to watch.  By my best count, there are at least a dozen hummingbirds in the garden now, probably more.  I will put one of the hummer shots in Extra, a juvenile male doing some fancy moves.  Taken with my 24/120 lens...that's how close they are.

Give someone a hug.


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