
By Kiteseeker

Dalby Delights

Richard had a visit from the Physiotherapist this morning. A programme of improving his posture and upper body strength along with trying to avoid long periods of time looking down at his IPad when on dialysis was suggested. Hopefully getting him back to Pilates will help too despite struggling to get up from floor work.

This afternoon a trip to Dalby. Richard did a short walk round the lake whilst I headed up to and round the Bridestones. Good to see the heather out too.

Met a family trying to navigate by phone. Not a good idea as the signal isn’t good. Fortunately I was able to explain the walk and get them on the right track. Just as I descended the rain arrived. Good job it doesn’t go beyond skin deep. Glad it was only a light shower and the trees provided shelter on the route to the car. May have even broken into a slow trot for a little while. Good to be gaining confidence in the strength of the new knee.

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