talloplanic views

By Arell

Only music is aloud!

I was pleased to find out from Dad today, when he and Mum visited after I'd finished work, that my new earplugs had arrived, somewhat ridiculously all the way from the USA.  Over the years I've tended to come back to this type when motorbiking, having tried many kinds.  As soon as I feel less spaced out from the new meds I will give them a road test.  They certainly show just how worn out their predecessors had become: while riding around the Lakes with BikerBabe they had almost come to bits.

In other news, I have been making a noise.  Since my neighbour has gone away on holiday I have an opportunity at last to turn up my hifi! – here, to road test some Celestion loudspeakers that my brother has given me to try on a somewhat indefinite loan.  They seem quite midrangey and precise, which happens to mean they are well suited to Classic FM listening.  Vintage Rush came out quite well too but hyper-produced Trevor Rabin-era Yes went all raucous and mushy.  I don't know whether to swap them back to my old Mission speakers which I like a lot, but I will probably get used to these ones!

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