
By Farmerboab

Plastic Fantastic....

Rain forecast,so headed off to finish baling up the field that I got rained off of yesterday.
Wee brother wrapped them,Kev carted them down to him.
After lunch sent Kev off down the road to start lifting the bales we wrapped on Tuesday. I headed down with this tractor and trailer too.
Some of the bales were done with black wrap,the rest in this clear film. Interesting to note that the crows had pecked holes in the top of a lot of the black bales,but hadn't touched the clear ones. So had to spend time with sticky patches sealing up the damage to make them airtight again so the bales don't spoil. Got 5 loads home before the heavens opened tonight. Hopefully get the rest tomorrow if it stops raining.
This has been a very challenging summer so far,and we haven't even started the harvest yet. Was just thinking while sat on the tractor that we spend all summer preserving grass and straw to feed livestock all winter. Must be nice to farm somewhere the grass grows all year round !

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