
By KathyH58

Today's job

25 yards of mulch and we are finished spreading the mulch on this property. Now it will be regular maintenance and it shouldn't take us long to keep it weeded at this time of year. Next up is starting to get the mulch next door done. There is still a vine to be removed, but the bees love the vine and until they disappear, we can't do anything with the vine.

A nice evening out with the social group at a potluck picnic. The leader has decided it would be easier to have them on the same night each week. Next Monday is supper at a local pub, then the potluck picnic on Tuesday night. That means I don't have to cook supper for myself until next Wednesday, lol. Friday is my evening out so I stop somewhere for supper, Saturday I am going to the valley and usually pick up a chicken salad sandwich at a bakery there, Sunday is brunch and I don't eat supper after brunch. Then out with the social group on Monday and Tuesday. Summers are short, it is best to enjoy them. The winter will come soon enough and we will all be stuck inside again. Hopefully the group organizer will find a place where we can have potluck suppers for the winter.

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