Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

An Unusual Name For An Artists Work

SWMBO and I headed over to Pittenweem for the day .... Well, its arts festival ends tomorrow and it would be rude not to visit.

The first place we stopped was to look at the work of the woman who uses this name. Excellent stuff - abstract and created using an air compressor to move paint around on the canvas.
Of course we hunted down 'Our' jeweller ... well, his wife - he was at the dentist this morning and is no longer making jewellery, bowls etc. He is purely doing medical stuff (plates and implants etc for people who have had serious injuries or surgery when parts of the skull and such-likes have had to be removed). She was trying to sell the last of his 'stock'.
I would have loved the Bee Bowl in the extras but was told it was for display purposes only (probably for the best ... it would have cost too much for my wallet). I was also told that I had too many pieces anyway. LOL 
It didn't stop SWMBO buying a pair of pearl earrings and a silver gift.

During our wandering we came across a couple of artists whose work I really liked - and completely off the wall (so to speak).
One was a woman who makes wall hangings. She uses old tyre inner-tubes. They are specially treated to take paint and then cuts them into tiny fish shapes and stitches them onto the canvas/material.
The other one was pictures and 'sculptures' made from resin. What made me laugh was that he used foil wrappers as the 'paint......Tunnocks Teacakes and Cadbury Roses being the main ones. 

About a dozen shots from the  wandering and exhibits are HERE

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