Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Today's insect is a beautiful Spicebush Swallowtail (Papilio Troilus), not a species I see regularly here in my garden.  When I first spotted it and ran out with a camera, I hadn't factored in the humidity and my lens immediately fogged up.  So I missed the lovely dorsal views with wings spread.  By the time the fogging dissipated, I had to wait for the flyer to return which it did only briefly and only with lateral views.  Still, this gives you and idea of what a pretty swallowtail this is.  

We are having a fair amount of rain today and under tornado watch until later this evening (a very rare occurrence in our area).  This is the band of Debby who is making her way up the coast.  By midnight, the rains will have moved out and tomorrow will likely be a gorgeous day.  Fortunately (since we haven't gotten the new roof put on yet) we did not get the horrific downpours that many parts of the state have gotten.  And no appreciable rain in the forecast for next week.

I am still in a deep state of worry about my friend.  She is going through a horrific time and I feel helpless to take any of her pain away.  

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