Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


The dark clouds rolled in, the thunder rumbled and the lightning flashed. I heard pounding on the windows that sounded louder and harder than rain; a very strong pinging. It was hail. It's been several years since we had a hailstorm. It lasted a good long while, too. The photo is some of it coming down and bouncing off of the sidewalk in the yard.

The landscapers were here bright and early. I wasn't so bright that early.  As soon as they left, it was time for my therapy session on Zoom. Perfect timing because that's when the storm rolled in. Afterwards, I went out for a bite, got a haircut, and in the evening, attended the opening reception for the Members Open Exhibit at the Tubac Center of the Arts. Following the opening, three of us went to a well-known Mexican restaurant in the Tubac area. The musician there was terrific.

It's been a long, busy day and I am exhausted. I'll sleep well tonight.

A genie came to me and asked, "What's your first wish?"
I answered, "I wish I was rich!"
Then the genie said, "What's your second wish, Rich?"

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