Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Bruges day 3

The weather forecast was excellent today so we caught the train and then the tram to the seaside at De Haan to explore a bit more of Belgium. It took over an hour to get there but was worth it. The rail network and the trams are very good and easy to use. It's given me a lot of confidence for more rail travel in Europe. We went to Ostend first and then caught an onward tram which continued right along the coast and the return journey for us both was only 10 euros.  

De Haan is a beautiful seaside town and the buildings are lovely. We walked along the promenade first, admiring the statues (see my favourite 'Amour' in the extras) and then walked on the beach which was quieter at one end than the other. Before leaving, we had a delicious ice cream and visited the supermarket. 

When we arrived back in Ostend, we went to the cathedral and walked around the marina before finding our train back to Bruges.  It was a lovely day out and I'm glad that we ventured out of our comfort zones.  

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