
By DonnaWanna

Hot Hot Hot Eeeeek!!

Turned out to be a very hot day today at 26c and our seats at the footy had us with the sun in our eyes ugh!!!  Typically I had forgotten all about a hat and so had Julian so we had to improvise!  He had a footy magazine which he used to shade his face and I had a paper supermarket bag with some snacks in it which I transferred to another bag and fashioned the brown paper bag into a particularly ugly shade hat ; ) lol   
He had lathered his face and arms with sunscreen before we left thank goodness and I had put some on my face so we didn’t get sunburnt!! 
Sadly our team lost which was disappointing but nevertheless we managed to have a terrific time!! 
Nothing like an afternoon in the sun to make you very tired and I’m fading fast as we speak ; ). I’ll catch up with you all tomorrow!! ; ))xxx

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