Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Very Nice, Very Evil

Saw a wrassle tonight, innit. Kie came to pick us up after work this evening and, after a couple quick tots in West Brom and Bilston, we headed to The Hangar in Wolverhampton for OTT Wrestling's Scrappermania. It was great fun, although I did have to give up after the Danhausen match because I entirely overheated in the room. Went all dizzy and tight-chested so I went out to the bar area to get some water and have a sit, but it was still really hot in there and I felt really nauseous even after the next match started. Rich suggested we scarper cos we had only really gone there for Danhausen anyway, and I felt quite bad about ruining everyone's night at first. However, once I was out in the air for a bit I started feeling better, so we went back to Café Metro in Bilston where I had a few more non-alcoholic bevvies and cooled myself down. The three of us ended up having a lovely couple of hours just chatting and snacking. 

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