
By davidc

An Interesting Pattern...& Silly Saturday Results

I was just clearing up in the kitchen after breakfast when I saw this rather pretty pattern, cast onto the worktop by a beam of sunlight filtering through an empty milk bottle. Naturally it just had to be today's blip!

Otherwise we spent a lot of today visiting Grandson#2 and his Mum & Dad (he's the one who lives here in Newcastle). It's hard to believe he's almost 3 months old now and he's coming on a treat. We got some gorgeous smiles!

Now for the important bit - last weekend's Silly Saturday results!
Thanks so much to everyone who posted blips for this month’s hosted silly challenge in memory of Admirer. You folks did a grand job of coming up with daft and silly ideas! My Editor and I had great fun chuckling at them all, and as usual choosing Hearts & HMs was tricky. However in the end we settled on these:

HEARTS (in no particular order):
Truckin’ Buddies by KangaZu
Housework by Vectensian (My Editor laughed particularly hard at this one!)
Olympic Diving for Robins by Crispin25
Tilley Hat by BezziePet
More Upside Down Daddy by Technophobe

Self Portrait in Supermarket Flowers by McCaviti
Ball Crazy Maggy by Jensphotos (That must be a ball in Maggy's mouth...I think!)
Crazy Car by AMS1
Needless Alley by Madwill
Silly Smile by Dollydoug
Next month’s hosted Silly Saturday will be on 7th September. I don’t currently have a host lined up so if you’d like to have a go please let me know – it’s such fun! Either leave a message in a blip comment, or email me at davidcblipper@gmail.com.

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