Annie and Chris

By AnnieAndChris

Pub Walk

I (Chris) was up bright and early for Aylesbury Parkrun. It was a good temperature for a run and I recorded my quickest 5km time this year. Back home, we gathered neighbours from the houses either side of us (and their dogs) and we set off for the next village. We had a drink and snack at the village pub before walking cross-country to the next village where we got lunch. The group then continued on to the next village without me, I had to pop home to meet someone coming to collect some car parts. Once the transaction was done, I walked to the other end of our village where the group had now reached. A few drinks and bar snacks were consumed (early dinner) before we walked back home. It was a very sociable day and the weather was good. 

On my solo bit of walking I heard a combine harvester close by so searched it out for a photo. First one I've seen in action this year.    

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