Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Monkeying About

Another beautiful day here, but I was almost too busy to appreciate it. Run early this morning whilst everyone was asleep, it was relatively cool then. Then school run, followed by car to be serviced, home for housework, on to the drop in which started off quietly and then busied up towards the end.

Picked up W from his last official day at Goslings (he has two holiday sessions to come yet) only to realise his keyworker isn't there on a Monday afternoon. Doh! So we will have a quick trip there on Thursday so W can give her his homemade card.

Picked up C from school. Threw them in the garden after homework while I made tea, came back out to find W trying to fly, so had to capture it (No he hasn't grown extra limbs, tha's C being daft in the background!).

C has now been dropped at Rainbows along with two of her friends and W is asleep. I am about to head up to school to see Key stage 2 perform the UK School Premier of The Lion King. Can't wait, although I may just melt in the hall. People from Disney are coming to watch tomorrow. I am sure they will be impressed.

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