
By simonslife

My day

Campsite delights including vegetable garden watering. Dippy decided to take a brief rest next to the pot of mint.
We then walked around the two immediate fields of sheep and Dippy was in his element with ears touching the clouds constantly.
When the campers were all up and running I dropped off Alice and Brandon at the train station as they were off to celebrate their friends birthday in Exeter. Into Torrington as I had to go into the post office to collect some exiting post, which I had to sign for before a bit of shopping and a visit to my favourite retro clothes shop, where the red haired young lady was feeling glum due to the damp drizzly weather, we soon found ourselves laughing and she managed to sell me a new hat (watch this space)
Back to base and some new arrivals needed a quick guide around the farm before I popped out for a pre race day spin around the coast in the glorious sunshine.
Back home an a quick bite to eat before collecting A and B from the bus station
A quick turnaround to get to Appledore for a quick swim with Dippy watching a glorious sunset.

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