Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Sunday Morning Chez Nous

I say 'chez nous' (us) instead of 'chez moi' (me) because Honey lives here too and that makes us 'nous'!

I consider Blipfoto as a Journal in pictures which shows and describes my day. For me, it isn't just about fiddling around taking the most beautiful and perfect photo I can, it's mostly about what is happening in my life NOW!

Aren't Sunday mornings the best!  I'm representing mine with part of my breakfast. What? Bread and jam after nearly 7 weeks on a health promoting diet?  No, no, no! I'll explain... I started my breakfast with some Greek yoghurt, half a grated apple, cinnamon and lightly toasted almond flakes! Then comes the once a week treat of a slice of sourdough rye bread, spread with a teaspoon of almond purée and topped with a sugarless coulis of blueberries! Does that sound good? Try it and see!  A cup of coffee in my cute Pip mug.

It couldn't be a Sunday collage without my sweet Honey, stretched out full on the wooden floor, trying to keep cool. She trusts me completely not to step on her as I balance around or over her looking down carefully.

This morning, my Hibiscus plant has five flowers blooming at the same time! I was however annoyed/disappointed to see that 'something' is making holes all over my geraniums... I haven't seen the cuprit yet, but suspect a cricket...they can be real pests.

Wishing you a marvellous Sunday. Try and keep cool if you're suffering from a heatwave, like we are... Today and tomorrow will be 32C/89.6F, but it will feel much hotter because of the increasing humidity with storms on the way.

P.S. As always, you can see the whole collage at the same time in large!

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