
By Groggster

Making A Performance Out Of Broken Glass

Today's image combines a just outside my back door location and a found object (two of my recurring subjects for blip) - in this instance a broken glass bottle which led me on a journey that managed to include an architect, stage design, a Greek olive grove and Annie Lennox.
Performing Architectures is the name of a practice and research studio set up by my sister's friend Andreas. He is an award winning architect and stage designer (now more fashionably named a scenographer) who's performance or art installations are inspired by biographical and every day life subjects and staged not just in theatres but in abandoned buildings, urban outdoor locations and landscapes, homes and flats and even in an olive grove.
The broken bottle, with its promotional label, in my image at one point actually contained extra virgin olive oil produced from Andrea's own olive grove, where he has named a tree after each of his friends (which to my sister's delight includes her), in his home village of Chilimodi in eastern Corinthia in the Poloponnese in Southern Greece. 
For some reason quite a few of my blip images immediately make me think of a song and in this case it is one of my favourite Annie Lennox tracks - "Walking On Broken Glass"  (something which I thankfully managed to avoid on this occasion!), with its gloriously opulent video - so of course I had to tag it below.

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