Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


...and a great service at Church.

As you may remember, Mr. HCB is usually up well before me every morning and this morning was no exception.  However, I like my Sunday mornings to myself, because I often listen to the service on Radio 4 at 8.10 a.m. so sit quietly eating my breakfast and enjoying it.

This morning the service was from Morningside Church at “Holy Corner” in Edinburgh that Eric Liddell attended - so called because there is a church at each of the four intersections.  

For those who don’t know, Eric Liddell was a devout Christian who refused to run in the 100m heats in the 1924 Paris Olympics - 100 years ago - because they were held on a Sunday.  He did, however, compete in the 200m when he won a Bronze medal and also in the 400m, both held on a weekday and won a Gold medal in that race.  He went on to become a missionary in China and in 1943, during World War II he was imprisoned in an Internment Camp where he organised games and taught the children, who called him “Uncle Eric”.  Sadly he died of a brain tumour just months before the war ended.  It was a great programme, so we intend watching the film of his life, “Chariots of Fire”, which is on iPlayer for another 8 days apparently.

We were on coffee duty at Church today, so were there just after 9 o’clock to get set up - and boy, was it a hot day to be doing that.  

I needed to go upstairs to get some paper towels from the Cleaning Store and whilst up there, took a couple of shots of the cross that hangs above the vestibule, where people come into Church - and was thrilled to see that even in Church, there are cobwebs - you an see it on the top right shot, if you look carefully.  If it’s good enough for our Church, it’s good enough for me!

Then, when l came back downstairs, I took another shot of the cross, looking the other way.  As I turned round, I noticed the piece of artwork above the doors where people come into the vestibule and thought that it must be new, because I had never seen it before.  I found out later that it was done by one of our Church Members.  It says “Jesus Over You”, and the first letters of each word spell out the word “JOY”, which is what God gives to us daily.  There is also a small wooden cross which is right over where the door opens.  You can see through the doors that there are vans outside and the shutters of a shop opposite - our Church is in a busy and thriving community and it’s good to know that Jesus is Over ALL of our community, whether they come through our Church doors or not.  

In fact, we have a Fun Day planned for Bank Holiday Monday at the end of August, for the community - it’s COMPLETELY FREE and when I tell you that last year over 800 burgers were barbecued and eaten, you will understand how popular it is with all those who come each year.  

We had a great service today when one of our younger members, Mikey, was preaching - and he did so well.  He spoke on Psalm 23 and several things “jumped out” at me - in order to be close to God we need to read our Bible - or “graze” on our Bible and pray daily and stay close to the Shepherd!  Interestingly, although it wasn’t a long sermon, there was a lot of substance to it - I will be listening again, that’s for sure.

Before the service, I had already taken a shot of the Mickey Mouse boots worn by one of my friends - very trendy, I thought!  Then I saw another friend wearing black fishnet tights - Japanese no less, given to her by a friend - so you can see we come together as a diverse Church family, to praise God each week - and do you know what?  There is room for everyone - however they are dressed and however they come - no-one will be turned away and no judgements will be made and it’s great to know that when we leave and walk under that banner, Jesus will be over us.  

Hope you have a great week - stay cool as it is due to be very hot again.  M xx 

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