Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Our very own Olympic parade...

...at the What's Your Move festival at the Dorothy Hyman stadium in Cudworth...

The parade was at 10 am, and after that there were so many activities for people to try. We'd been invited along to showcase petanque - mainly as we'd had grants from the council etc to help us set up the terrains. Lots of people came and had a go, and the kids loved it... we even had a visit from Toby Tyke, the Barnsley mascot ;)

All the activities - including archery, a bike obstacle course, boxing, football, drumming, dance and gymnastics - were free, so there were no worries about bringing the family along and having to spend a fortune ;)

A well organised event, designed to fit in with the last day of the Olympics. Dorothy Hyman was an Olympic sprinter in the 1960s who came from the area, and the stadium is named after her.

There was a lovely atmosphere, and we really enjoyed the day! Glad there were five of us, so we could have a bit of a rest now and again ( I have sunburnt legs though! )

Don't forget - tomorrow is MonoMonday again!
The theme is "memory", and the tag is MM551 - look forward to seeing you, as I'm hosting again this week ;)

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