Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Very sad day for me. It was the sale of all the farm machinery and all mums furniture. It was quite traumatic watching people pick through all her things and wandering all over the garden, looking through the windows, dropping their litter etc. There was one woman going round pulling plants out of the garden! 

There was a good turnout- maybe 300 people. Most of the stuff sold- some of it for next to nothing but overall we made a good amount and it's about getting rid of things as well. I pulled the table Dad made out of the sale at the last minute. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. But I just couldn't let it go. 

Mum wanted to be there but if it was hard for me, it must have been 100x worse for her. She puts a brave face on bless her. I couldn't help the tears. We were really late home by the time I'd dropped my auntie home. I barely got any sleep. Think it will take me a while to make peace with it. 

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