
By Arachne

Day of rest

I decided to tackle the most compacted bit of the 'garden' today, where all the building rubbish used to be piled up to be grabbed over the wall.  (Hard to imagine that was my productive squash patch three years ago.) This spot in the corner is where I'd always planned to move my shed once the building work was finished and, since my friend and neighbour, S, was due to drop round tomorrow to talk about making a shed base for me, I thought I'd remove some of the weeds first.

It was hard work digging the claggy clay. As well as masses of rubble, glass and metal (my blip is today's haul), some of the tenacious dandelion roots were 35cm long.

Just as I was getting out of my done-as-much-as-I-can-in-one-day shower, about 4pm, the doorbell went. It was S, here to start moving some of the heavy containers of sand and hardcore out of the way and start digging. Already?

I changed back into my work clothes.

In the next four hours we shifted piles of bricks out of the way so we could measure accurately, marked out the position of the shed base and started digging out ready for the foundations to go in.

He's expecting to finish the job tomorrow, when I have friends round for whom I had intended to make biscuits this evening.

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